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building resilience programme

for a greater sense of identity, happiness and resilience

To help you identify and develop your own "resources" I have created a well-being programme called Building Resilience, which draws from my 24 years' experience of giving and teaching shiatsu. 


What are resources and why are they so fundamental to one's well-being?


Resources are everything that makes you feel good, safe, happy, nourished, inspired… They are also what hold you in difficult times.


"Outer resources" include your favourite people, places, activities, objects…


"Inner Resources" can be comfortable places in your body, positive memories, or special abilities you can draw upon to meet the challenges of life, such as the capacity to say no or stay grounded.


Taking time to identify and clarify your resources is invaluable because as you can see they are the foundations of your happiness and resilience.


You will come out of this course feeling:

  • so much clearer about what makes your life so precious and worth living.

  • full of insights and motivation on how to make the most of your time for greater enjoyment and satisfaction.

Building Resilience can be run in several flexible formats:

  • 5 weekly sessions of 4 hours each (lunch provided on session 4)

  • 5 morning sessions as part of a week's retreat 

  • or over 3 whole days 


It includes delicious snacks, course notes, a beautiful framed resourcing poster and a 1-2-1 one hour follow-up session with me. The workshop is limited to 8 people.


If you would like to take part, please email me:


The aim of this course  is to help you identify your own "resources" (ie everything that makes you feel good, rested, relaxed, alive, nourished, inspired, respected etc) in 5 key aspects of your life.


As I guide you through these areas, you will become aware of what may be thriving and what may be missing. This will be a precious opportunity to take stock and learn what you can do to nourish these parts of your life that may have been neglected.



3 key ways of

resourcing yourself



Take time to:

  • reflect on how much rest you need to function in a sustainable way.

  • remember your favourite ways of resting, relaxing and creating calm.


Learn powerful techniques to:

  • quickly recharge your batteries if you haven't been able to get enough sleep.

  • completely relax your body to stay calm and stress-free.

  • ground yourself when feeling anxious, manic or over-excited.



Take time to remember:

  • what kind of movement and exercise you enjoy doing.

  • what are your gifts and dearest dreams?


Learn tools to:

  • release tension and frustration and free up your creativity.

  • express your emotions, be assertive and deal with anger.



Take time to identify:

  • the people you love and can be yourself with.

  • your passions and sense of fun.

  • your ways of connecting to what is sacred to you.


Learn to

  • clarify how you feel loved and how your partner feels loved so you both feel fulfilled in your relationship.

  • look after your precious relationships and make new connections.

  • listen to your feelings and inner guidance.




  • being kind and caring towards yourself

  • receiving love and support from others


Clarify what truly nourishes you in terms of food, beautiful places, music, books, films, etc.



Take time to acknowledge the precious people and things you have lost and are still grieving for. What resources have you got at your disposal to help you through this process?


Become aware of your personal space and learn to have it respected, by saying no and establishing clear boundaries.


Visualise all the stuff you no longer need and make a plan to clear it all out to create new space and vitality in your life. 


Privately (£550)

· 1 to 1 sessions in person or online

· private sessions for couples 


In a group of 8 people (£245 per person)

· 3-day course 

· 4-hour weekly class over 5 weeks

· 4-hours/day incorporated into a 5 day retreat


If you are part of an organisation and would like to invite me to run the programme for your colleagues or services users, do get in touch as I would love to come and bring this to you. Designed to treat and prevent burn-out, Building Resilience will help your staff find a new balance in their life which will give them a new motivation and energy at work. It is also excellent for team building, as it helps members of the group get to know and support each other.


I also run a special version of the programme for therapists who wish to learn how to teach Resourcing to their clients and make sure they are fully resourced themselves. If you would like me to come and teach for your school, please do get in touch.

"The recommendation to Julie's course came at the most opportune moment in my life. I was feeling lost, lacking control, direction and any enthusiasm. I felt totally burnt out. Julie's course taught techniques to enable me to reconnect, and draw upon the resources that surround me to focus and get back in the driving seat. I also learnt some fantastic healing and meditation techniques to help cope with difficult times. I would highly recommend Julie's course - she's a wonderful teacher and I am very grateful to her and her teachings." BECCA


​"Fantastic weekend, really valuable and restorative, providing time and space to reflect and gain insights into my life. It  was wonderful to devote a whole weekend to exploring my resources and seeing areas that needed more support. Sharing the workshop with others and hearing their stories and ideas further enhanced the experience and learning. The food was sensational and was a real highlight – such a treat not to have to think about lunch and it felt very nourishing to receive." NATALIE


"I discovered Julie’s course at a time when life was feeling overwhelming which was causing me a lot of anxiety and stress. I knew I needed to do something to get more control for myself but I didn’t know where to start and found even the thought of tackling this a cause for more anxiety so it felt impossible to introduce change. 

Julie delivers the ideas and subjects in this course in a very accessible way. She helped me to find a language to explain how I felt but more importantly how to treat my situation and how to recognise and deal with the triggers of my anxiety. I am finding myself referring to and exploring the tools that she teaches all the time since I attended the course and I feel confident that this will continue.

I highly recommend Building Resilience to anyone who is looking for better resources to deal with and react to life and its pressures (…) The course focuses on the whole being which is a great way to reflect on yourself (...) It was nourishment for the soul and a really positive step in the right direction to gaining perspective, self preservation and life management“ POPPY


"A friend recommended me to do the course. I loved the way it was organised and structured…. Really taking the time to think about how I can look after myself was so beneficial…. The meeting afterwards was also incredibly helpful, with your clarity and advise really helping me to get an idea of what I need to do….Thank you so much.” TASHA


"I  took Julie’s [Building Resilience self care programme] as part of the Eroles 2016 residency in the Pyrenees, ‘A Camp As If People Mattered’. It was the first time I was introduced to the concepts of resourcing. Julie’s workshops were wonderful. Her presence alone was soothing and the way she introduced each element with simplicity was very empowering. I found it easy to implement what I learnt in the workshops in my everyday life and it has been a very important resource for me since. I have learnt to listen to myself and to my needs, to take time to rest, to nurture my relationships with those I love and to find space and time for the things which enrich my soul and explore my creativity. Of course there is no miracle cure, but being able to pause and reflect and look back at my notes when I have had difficult moments has been a great help. I am certain that all people attending took something very special away with them, it was truly magical. It was also special to be able to attend the programme with the group of people we were working with as I felt it really helped us individually and as a group to get focus and to think about ourselves and others in a meaningful way”. SARA


"I love Julie's approach to supporting people through the challenges of navigating busy lives. Her Resourcing course was invaluable in helping me understand how to build more rest and resilience in my everyday life." BG

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